WHMCS widget

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WHMCS widget

Postby dyggz » 23rd March 2016, 9:10 pm

Helo and thanks for your help.
I am trying to install the WHMCS widget and it seems so straightforward but it is not working - it simply doesn't show up in the Administrator Roles under widgets - or anywhere else on the permissions page.

When I look at the instructions in the wiki it shows that the folder was put into the main 'members'(WHMCS) dir and then magically appears and I have done that.

Any help appreciated.
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Re: WHMCS widget

Postby Joanna » 24th March 2016, 10:08 am

Kindly note that, according to the third step of a configuration guide on our Wiki, you need to upload and extract the module into the main WHMCS directory. In other words, you have to put the content of the 'modulesgarden_widget1.0.2_whmcs' folder in the main WHMCS directory instead of the folder itself.

Please also be informed, that a new, 1.0.3 version of ModulesGarden Widget For WHMCS is available for download. Feel free to take advantage of it! :)
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: WHMCS widget

Postby dyggz » 24th March 2016, 7:31 pm

Thank you Joanna - I took that to mean extract the zip. Cheers it works now!
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