use CNAME in reseller website

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use CNAME in reseller website

Postby slitpro » 7th November 2016, 2:34 pm

how can a reseller add his products to his website. we need quick help, need to launch our product in within 3 days. and we need a clear clarification in CNAME and order links, please help anyone
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Re: use CNAME in reseller website

Postby Joanna » 7th November 2016, 4:04 pm

The CNAME record has to point from a reseller's site to the site of a provider in the following manner: IN CNAME

Once that is set, the Order Links shall work on their own as CNAME will point in correct direction.
If you require further explanation, feel free to visit our Wiki and/or contact our Support Team.
Joanna Byjoś
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