Swerver Switcher Not Working

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Swerver Switcher Not Working

Postby javierrebelde » 20th February 2015, 3:38 pm


I followed the wiki instructions
http://www.docs.modulesgarden.com/Serve ... _For_WHMCS

but is not working, do not switch, whmcs keep using the default settings to switch servers "Add to the least full server"

I have try like 5 to 6 different settings and dont works.

anyone is using Server Switcher For WHMCS and was able to make it works?

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Re: Swerver Switcher Not Working

Postby Joanna » 20th February 2015, 5:23 pm


We will check it and get back to you as soon as we find the cause of your problem. Please note that our support may be limited during the weekend. Therefore, we would like to ask you for a little bit of patience.
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Re: Swerver Switcher Not Working

Postby javierrebelde » 20th February 2015, 9:13 pm


I even try to do it manually and I get an error.

here 2 more images, also I am using WHMCS 5.3.11

PLEASE I need a solution to this as soon as possible or I will need to ask for a refund.
I really need this module.

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Re: Swerver Switcher Not Working

Postby javierrebelde » 23rd February 2015, 6:13 am

Hey is NOT WORKING and I need some help, have been a few days since I bought it.
I dont want to open a dispute at paypal to get a refund because I really need this and I will like
to make it work but if I dont get any support I dont have any other choice.

I also have opened support tickets and takes forever to get an answer.
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Re: Swerver Switcher Not Working

Postby Joanna » 23rd February 2015, 1:43 pm


Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience, our support services may be limited during weekends. We managed to track down your ticket, the developer has been already informed to handle your case as a priority. You will be answered via ticket at the first opportunity.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Swerver Switcher Not Working

Postby javierrebelde » 24th February 2015, 3:01 pm


I'm still waiting for help / resolution

anyone can do skype or teamviewer to take a look to my system and see if is a configuration problem or a bug?
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Re: Swerver Switcher Not Working

Postby Joanna » 25th February 2015, 11:55 am

Please refer to the ticket. Our Support Specialist has already answered your question.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Swerver Switcher Not Working

Postby javierrebelde » 28th February 2015, 4:52 pm


some one from modulesgarden contacted me.

I have contacted the developer to discuss the date of teamviewer session and shown him the problem you are facing.
He said that he already found the problem within the module structure earlier and is in the middle of correcting it.

As far as I was told, the Server Switcher For WHMCS is coming through tests right now and the fix should be available to download in a matter of days.
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