Suggestion for Product Linker

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Suggestion for Product Linker

Postby ufshane » 20th February 2015, 6:09 am

Is it possible to make a change to the Product Relations portion.

We have a product that due to the provisioning mod have to create a single product for each billing plan... basically 126 different products. We are using Product Linker to add free hosting with this product...

In the current state we have to create a single line item for each of the 126 products...

What I would like to see is the ability to choose multiple products to link together either with check boxes or multi select instead of a drop down single choice...

Is that possible?
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Re: Suggestion for Product Linker

Postby Joanna » 20th February 2015, 12:52 pm

We have noticed that you have already opened a ticket with the same suggestion. Our Support Team will consider the possibilities and provide you with a response soon. Thank you for your feedback!
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Suggestion for Product Linker

Postby ufshane » 23rd February 2015, 4:23 pm

Joanna wrote:We have noticed that you have already opened a ticket with the same suggestion. Our Support Team will consider the possibilities and provide you with a response soon. Thank you for your feedback!

Yah sorry for the ticket I got quite frustrated when I realized that there has to be a better way to get all 120 plans associated with one product.
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Re: Suggestion for Product Linker

Postby Joanna » 24th February 2015, 12:03 pm

No worries, we will do our best to provide the most efficient way to simplify your work.
Joanna Byjoś
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ModulesGarden - Unique Approach To Custom Software Development Services & High-End Modules
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