Resource Usage

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Resource Usage

Postby cherrywoodtech » 17th May 2016, 5:05 am

I currently have a client on a 5 TB package for bandwidth. When the client looks at their resource usage in the client section it still tracks in MB. If I want to change the figures that appear so it shows GB or TB instead of MB which php file would I edit?
Everything works as described but I'm at a loss on where I change how the calculated data is displayed. Any help would be wonderful!
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Re: Resource Usage

Postby Joanna » 17th May 2016, 10:50 am

We will be happy to oblige! But first, please specify which module you are referring to?
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Resource Usage

Postby cherrywoodtech » 17th May 2016, 3:16 pm

Currently I am using the Proxmox Cloud Module.
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Re: Resource Usage

Postby Joanna » 19th May 2016, 10:03 am

Unit bytes should adjust automatically. May we please look into your system directly and check the matter out? Open a ticket with your access details and we will make sure that the module works flawlessly.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Resource Usage

Postby cherrywoodtech » 19th May 2016, 6:54 pm

I submitted a ticket per your request.
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Re: Resource Usage

Postby cherrywoodtech » 24th May 2016, 2:43 pm

For anyone that comes along that is curious. The answer received was that the issue I am running into is a WHMCS problem and not an issue with the module through Modulesgarden. I had a sneaky suspicion that was the case when my partner and I were looking everything over in Firefox but we really wanted to be sure. So now we're looking at the site code to see what coding needs to be created to fix the cosmetic issue. Since this is no longer a module issue I will be posting more about this elsewhere. Thank you!
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