Proxmox VPS PVE authentication issue

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Proxmox VPS PVE authentication issue

Postby madsmao » 16th June 2015, 12:43 pm

I have just purchased the Proxmox VPS module, and I am very excited about getting it all setup. However, I have run into a minor issue with authentication.

If I set up a new user through the Proxmox GUI, using the PVE authentication realm, login to the server fails. It only works with the "Test connection" button at the bottom of the server setup screen. However, if I change to using the PAM authentication realm, things work just fine.

The problem is that I don't want to use the PAM authentication realm, as I already use that for logging in to the Proxmox GUI with a user with full privileges. Because of this, I want to enable TFA for the PAM realm. That clashes with also using the PAM authentication realm for authenticating the user account I am using with the Proxmox VPS module.

Is this possibly a bug in the Proxmox VPS module code? It would seem that way, since using the PVE authentication method works just fine from the "Test connection" button on the server setup screen, but not when trying to authenticate from elsewere within the Proxmox VPS module.

Has anybody else experienced this issue?
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Re: Proxmox VPS PVE authentication issue

Postby madsmao » 16th June 2015, 12:54 pm

I would like to correct myself. It seems like the only user that is able to authenticate with the Proxmox server is root. Obviously this could be a setup error on my part, but the user that fails with the Proxmox VPS module is able to log in just fine through the Proxmox GUI.

I would really like to avoid logging in as root, and I would also like to avoid using PAM authentication.
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Re: Proxmox VPS PVE authentication issue

Postby Joanna » 17th June 2015, 3:12 pm

Unfortunately, Proxmox VPS For WHMCS does not support TFA in its current version. We will consider adding this feature in the next updates of the module.
Joanna Byjoś
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