OpenStack VPS For WHMCS Issue

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OpenStack VPS For WHMCS Issue

Postby mili » 24th August 2015, 11:23 am


We have an openstack environment and we would like to use the modulegarden OpenStack VPS For WHMCS module for it. We already got the module but we are facing some difficulties:

Our deployment has below services:
-Ceilometer (not deployed yet)

We are not using neutron and only using nevo-network and there is no cinder in the picture as of yet.

In the server creation section, when im trying to test the connection here is what im geting:
Compute Success
Identity Success
Image Success
Network No access to API Endpoint:http://XXXXXXXXX:9292/v2 with message: Endpoints for this API interface are unavaiable
Volume No access to API Endpoint:http://XXXXXXXXXX:9292/v2 with message: Endpoints for this API interface are unavaiable
Metering No access to API Endpoint:http://XXXXXXXXXX:9292/v2 with message: Endpoints for this API interface are unavaiable

Connection SUCCESSFUL!

After this we made the group. then added the product. in the module section of the product we are geting the below error:
Endpoints for this API interface are unavaiable

It seems to me that the module is complaining about one or more of the endpoint that are not implemented. Any ideas on where to go from here? Can the module support our deployment? You insite is really appreciated.

Kind regards
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Re: OpenStack VPS For WHMCS Issue

Postby Joanna » 26th August 2015, 10:52 am

Please follow the tips under 'Common Problems' section in OpenStack VPS For WHMCS documentation:

That should resolve the issue. If, however, your problem persists, please open a ticket so our Support Team can search for its cause directly in your environment.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: OpenStack VPS For WHMCS Issue

Postby javacool » 26th September 2015, 5:22 am

We have exactly the same problem.

We don't use Nuetron Network in the OpenStack. We have Nova Network in the OpenStack.

How to configure this Add-On module to work under Nova Network?

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Re: OpenStack VPS For WHMCS Issue

Postby Joanna » 28th September 2015, 2:45 pm

You can easily configure the module to work under Nova Network. To do it, simply follow the guide on our Wiki:

If you encounter any problems during the process of configuration, please contact our Support Team.
Joanna Byjoś
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