Multibrand questions

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Multibrand questions

Postby tqhost » 23rd April 2014, 4:58 pm


First of all, congrats on getting the Multibrand product out. It looks very full featured and I'm sure presented some challenges.

I have a few questions:

1) Assuming we don't encounter any big problems, we will want to convert one of our sub-brands (with a separate WHMCS install) into another existing WHMCS install. Is there any tool already that would let us "merge" clients with their products, tickets, etc from one WHMCS database into another? Or, do you have any tips for how we would go about this if we write the tool ourselves

2) By default, if you go to /order.php in a whmcs install, you will see all un-hidden product groups and can then see and order un-hidden products. We would want to have product groups separated between brands. So, some product groups would be only for BrandA, and some product groups would be only for BrandB. Is there a way to do this with your multibrand?

3) Your wiki page at the bottom says "Using 'Login as Client' functionality returns:" - does this mean that 'login as client' doesn't work at all? Or doesn't work in some cases? This is a feature we rely on heavily.

4) Payment Gateways. Suppose that BrandA has its own credit card gateway + PayPal, and BrandB has separate CC gateway + PayPal. Have you given thought to separating payment methods by brand? I suppose they could be split at the product group level, but is it possible to have two separate PayPal gateways?


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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby Piotr » 24th April 2014, 9:57 am

Thank you!

1) There is no any existing migrating tool currently, though we can create such as a custom development for you, for an additional fee. We will also try to prepare such a feature to one of the next updates.
Basically all the brand relations are stored in the one pivot table, with a three important columns:

  • brand_id - which is an ID of the brand
  • rel_id - which is an ID of relation. e.g. client ID or service ID
  • type - which is a relation type. So, for example: client, service, domain, order
This should help you to create any migrating tool on your own.

2) We do plan to make separate product groups in the near feature. It will allow you to assign not only specified product groups to the specified brands, but also include or exclude a single products from the list. It is not an easy task to release such a promising module as Multibrand which would already contain all the functionality that customers might need, I hope you can understand. We will improve it over the time through adding more and more functionalities.

3) There is indeed a problem with a 'Login as Client' button occurring when one of the brands is specified by default or when client is assigned not to the main WHMCS brand, though we are already working on the workaround, and we will prepare a fix as soon as possible. You can be certain about it.

4) We will consider to add this feature to the next update of the Multibrand For WHMCS module.
Piotr Dołęga
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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby IslandHost » 24th April 2014, 11:12 pm

I have installed the 7 day trial, setup 2 brands, read the limited WiKi.

1, How do I assign existing clients to the 2 different brands (or any brand)?
2. How do I access the Client area for the 2nd brand. ( takes me to the main brand)
3. Why do I get a blank popup when I click the "Preview" button for either brand?

There seems to be a lot missing from this module at the moment. Surely the best way to associate Clients with a brand in Multibrand would be to associate a client group to a brand??

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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby Piotr » 25th April 2014, 11:26 am

By your description of our Wiki, I assume that it is missing some information that you would like it to contain. Could you let me know what is it? There should be no problem in improving it.

Regarding your questions:

1. Currently there is no such a possibility to assign existing clients to the specified brand, though we will try to add this feature to one of the next updates of the module. We can also make a custom development for you and prepare such a customization fully suitable to your requirements.

2. and 3. It seems like some misconfiguration inside the brand settings, though we can't say much without looking deeper at it. You can also create a support ticket in our system and we will be able to check it directly at your environment.

Module will be improved over the time, you can be certain about it.
Piotr Dołęga
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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby hic2012 » 12th June 2014, 12:43 am

I purchased this module..."MultiBrand"..and it clearly states on your page AND the images show the ability to assign a brand to a client..why release a product that does nothing and charge $150??
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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby Piotr » 12th June 2014, 8:55 am

hic2012 wrote:I purchased this module..."MultiBrand"..and it clearly states on your page AND the images show the ability to assign a brand to a client..why release a product that does nothing and charge $150??

Our module will be further developed and will have more features soon. We just had to start from something in order to further improve the module. Therefore the feature that you mentioned will be added within approximately 3 months. What is more, there will be an Import Tool allowing to assign certain existing customers to a certain brand.

Currently module allows you to assign brand to new customers. We are aware of fact that this is not a full-featured multibrand functionality yet, but as I said, first we had to start from something. Entire module can be extremely extensive therefore creating it at once while having all the functionality that might be required by customers is not possible. We need to do that piece by piece. And customers' feedback is necessary here.

I assure you that version 1.5 will have the functionality you are asking for. And I expect that it won't be even the final version and module will be further improved in the next years.
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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby 9dollardomains » 13th June 2014, 7:57 am

I purchased this module..."MultiBrand"..and it clearly states on your page AND the images show the ability to assign a brand to a client..why release a product that does nothing and charge $150??

Hi. I do understand that version 1.0 can't possibly have every feature included and have every bug squashed, but without the ability to assign existing clients to a brand, the product is essentially unusable.

That being said, we have gone ahead and written a Quick-and-dirty script for ourselves that assigns clients to the various brands in Multibrand. It's not very fancy, but if anyone is interested, I could post it and you can use it to assign clients to the various brands.
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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby 9dollardomains » 13th June 2014, 7:27 pm

Hi. I'm having a couple quirks since you installed Multibrand.

1) I have a number of 'pending' orders. These are already processed, domains already registered & active, but the orders were still in the pending status. When I go to 'accept' them all, WHMCS hangs. I may be able to manually work around this by changing each one manually, but something has changed there...

2) If I display all my Active Support Tickets, the 'Last Reply' column displays the days/hours since the last reply for a couple seconds, and then that last column is overwritten with the brand that those tickets belong to.
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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby 9dollardomains » 14th June 2014, 8:36 am

Piotr wrote:[*]type - which is a relation type. So, for example: client, service, domain, order[/list]
This should help you to create any migrating tool on your own.
Hi, what all comprises a 'service' type? We have imported all our 'tblhosting' items into the 'multibrand_relations' table, but are there other tables other than 'tblhosting' that we should be importing and marking as 'service' type?
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Re: Multibrand questions

Postby Piotr » 19th June 2014, 1:15 pm

Allow me to consult your questions with our developer.
I will get back to you once I have more details.
Piotr Dołęga
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