Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing...

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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Ringo » 11th July 2016, 4:34 pm

Features needen imho:

- in RSS feed the announcements are not per brand, all announcements are loaden in RSS at client side, unwanted of course
- option to select to display product prices in of excluding the VAT for the brands

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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Datacenter1 » 19th August 2016, 12:35 am

Google Analytics/ecommerce integration per brand a very need it feature
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Joined: 18th August 2016, 11:28 pm

Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby JC008 » 6th March 2017, 2:03 pm

Hi, i would like to give each brand the ability to use the stripe payment gateway, BUT ALSO each brand to have the choice of entering a unique stripe API key. This way each brand can be linked to a unique stripe business profile and so client credit card statements will display brand business name. This would then be true Multibrand.
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby 1parkplace » 24th March 2017, 9:16 pm

Our company also did not use Multibrand because of lack of payment gateway options.

We use Paypal Payflow gateway and would like to see the ability to configure ALL available gateways for each brand.
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Joanna » 27th March 2017, 3:34 pm

Please rest assured that each of your thoughts and suggestions expressed in here is given careful consideration. The handling of payments gateways will be both simplified and extended to cover more attributes in the module's future releases.
Joanna Byjoś
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