Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing...

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Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing...

Postby webjive » 20th January 2016, 5:45 pm

I am amazed with all the great progress for Multibrand while also being utterly amazed that you don't have any more payment gateways other that Paypal!!!

This almost makes this product useless for the majority of hosting and development companies like our that use gateway's like

Here's my prediction.. That one day this product will sundown due to low sales volume and it will be because of no payment gateway options.

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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Joanna » 25th January 2016, 11:15 am

Thank you gratefully for your feedback. Kindly note that Multibrand For WHMCS supports all the payment gateways available as standard in WHMCS. In addition, branded gateways in the module allow you the possibility to use different accounts per brand.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby webjive » 25th January 2016, 4:43 pm

Hmm.. Last year I asked this same question and was told by WHMCS (in a support ticket) that in order to get working with Multibrand, I would need to get a payment gateway created for about $400 in development costs.

Has this changed? I can use across all brands for credit card billing across brands?
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Joanna » 26th January 2016, 5:44 pm

The possibility to configure per brand will be introduced to the module in one of its upcoming updates.
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby webjive » 26th January 2016, 6:01 pm

Thanks for the update. If you could, when you blog about product updates, please include this so that many of us know when to jump on board with Multibrand :)

We have 3 brands right now and are working on more and it's getting difficult to manage all the pieces with the way we're doing it now.
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Joanna » 27th January 2016, 10:34 am

We will most surely announce it in our social media channels as well as in our weekly newsletter. :)
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Ringo » 14th February 2016, 8:16 pm

Good module, we are enyoing it !

What we would need is brand default domain pricing to be set for first time ordering of new clients.
Maybe it can be arranged in such a way that new clients for a brand get a certain client group, that way the domain pricing routines can remain untouched.
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Joanna » 15th February 2016, 11:32 am

Thank you for your kind feedback! Your request has been added to the list of features worth considering for future updates.

If, however, this is a time-sensitive matter, keep in mind that you can take advantage of our custom software development services. To get further information on this possibility, simply fill out our request form.
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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby JochenG » 3rd March 2016, 2:11 pm

Hi Joanna,

you wrote "Kindly note that Multibrand For WHMCS supports all the payment gateways available as standard in WHMCS. In addition, branded gateways in the module allow you the possibility to use different accounts per brand."

Now we are running V 1.8.1, and we only can see Paypal and 2checkout, even if more gateways - like bank transfer - are active in WHMCS.

Is this feature still missing ?

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Re: Multibrand For WHMCS 1.8 Announcement and whats missing.

Postby Joanna » 9th March 2016, 12:45 pm

It would be best if you open a ticket and provide more details on what you wish to attain as with these, our specialist will be able to explain the matter more precisely and guide you accordingly.
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