Multibrand Clients With Same Emails.

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Multibrand Clients With Same Emails.

Postby kurchenko » 22nd May 2016, 1:51 pm

Hello Dear community, I find little problem, maybe someone have the same. Please let me know how you resolve that problem.

I have 2 websites. and
And when I register client on the with email: "[email protected]" and then try register client on the with the same email, it give me error and when I try login in the client area with that email, it also give me error, I know I can turn on client area for that client manually, but maybe we have way how to do that automatically?

For example, if client register from another website with same email, system say to him about successful registration and automatically add him to the clients who can work with that website.

Wait your answer and Thank you!
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Re: Multibrand Clients With Same Emails.

Postby Joanna » 23rd May 2016, 5:13 pm

Kindly note that Multibrand For WHMCS is designed to utilize a single WHMCS license, therefore a client is able to register one account only using given email address. The only possibility here is to assign a client to a brand manually.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Multibrand Clients With Same Emails.

Postby kurchenko » 23rd May 2016, 8:06 pm

Joanna wrote:Kindly note that Multibrand For WHMCS is designed to utilize a single WHMCS license, therefore a client is able to register one account only using given email address. The only possibility here is to assign a client to a brand manually.

Dear Joanna, I know your team create modules for customers for money, please let me know if your team can create this module for me.

You can contact with me via email: [email protected]

Thank you for your answer!
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Re: Multibrand Clients With Same Emails.

Postby Joanna » 24th May 2016, 4:18 pm

You are very welcome! And since you have already contacted our advisor directly in respect of a custom project, he will discuss all possibilities with you in already opened ticket.
Joanna Byjoś
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