License Error: License Invalid: Remote Check Failed

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License Error: License Invalid: Remote Check Failed

Postby tani.nguyen1989 » 2nd June 2016, 10:55 am

Dear team,

Recently, I just have downloaded proxmox Cloud for WHMCS TRIAL for testing locally. The version of WHMCS is 6.3.0 and proxmox modules is 2.1.0. All settings is local, not publishing to the internet. I already added a local proxmox server to promox module and tested connection. The connection is " success ". But when I accessed to Products/Services -> Module settings - > error "License Error: License Invalid: Remote Check Failed"
referring to ... _For_WHMCS (I get stuck at step 18).
Please check the attached file and help me out. Thanks a lot in advance.

proxmox cloud error.PNG
proxmox cloud error.PNG (35.4 KiB) Viewed 3642 times
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Re: License Error: License Invalid: Remote Check Failed

Postby Joanna » 2nd June 2016, 12:47 pm

Please make sure that our domain is white-listed along with all CloudFlare IP addresses: Your problem stems most probably from the fact that your server is blocking our licensing system, thus the module cannot verify the license.
Joanna Byjoś
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