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Is there anybody there?

Postby carthosts » 13th September 2012, 3:40 pm


I would LOVE to buy DNS Manager for WHMCS but I'm having trouble getting it working and nobody seems to have got back to me, despite having sent the following support query three times, beginning from around 10 days ago.

Everything seems fine for DNS Manager in WHMCS Admin - I can even connect to my remote PowerDNS server perfectly OK. I just get nothing available in the client portal.

Please. Can someone help me?




Something weird is going on. I've put together a basic screencast of the problem here:

I've duplicated the 'Classic' WHMCS template, pasted in the code you show in the setup guide for DNS Manager and called the new WHMCS template 'Classic_DNS'. As you'll see in the video:

1) We start off with the regular 'Classic' WHMCS template design

2) Then I go into WHMCS admin and change the template to my newly created 'Classic_DNS' which has the additional DNS-Manager-specific code in it.

3) We go back to the 'Classic" WHMCS template and refresh the page....whereupon the template changes its design altogether to, I believe, the 'Modern' WHMCS template?

5) I append /clientarea.php?managedns to the end of my WHMCS client area URL but it makes no difference, I still don't have any DNS Manager functionality.

6) Finally the video shows the file I've modified (Classic_DNS/clientarea.php) in BBEdit and the DNS Manager code itself.
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Re: Is there anybody there?

Postby Piotr » 14th September 2012, 9:41 am


We are sorry for the inconveniences but I checked your profile and noticed that we didn't receive any ticket from you. Please verify that you were sending them to appropriate adress. More information you can find here.

I have the problem to view your video however it seems that you missplaced the code in clientareahome.tpl file or use set up wrong template in WHMCS general settings. If you would like to use 'Classic_DNS' template so simply copy the code at the beginning and the end of the file. Afterwards set the template in general settings for 'Classis_DNS'.

I will open the ticket for you. If you will still have a problem with this, please go to your clientarea and reply to the ticket.
Piotr Dołęga
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Re: Is there anybody there?

Postby carthosts » 14th September 2012, 10:53 am

Hi Piotr,

Many thanks for the reply. I've been writing to [email protected] which seemed to be an address I'd had mail from (you) in the past. on 5th Septmeber, 11th September and in a reply to one of your colleagues on a separate occasion (when I queried the trial license expiring).

No matter, we've made contact now and I'm keen to buy DNS Manager and get setup.

The screen-casting site I used requires a Java plugin in your browser. Ive just checked it here on Mac & Win 7 under FireFox, Chrome & IE - works fine as far as I can tell. Anyway I've pasted my clientareahome.tpl template below.

Kind Regards,


Code: Select all
if(isset($_GET['managedns'])) {
require_once substr($this->template_dir, 0 , strpos($this->template_dir, '/templates'))."/templates/dns_templates/dns_controller.php";
{if !$dnsmanagement}

{foreach from=$addons_html item=addon_html}
<div style="margin:15px 0 15px 0;">{$addon_html}</div>
{if in_array('tickets',$contactpermissions)}
<h2><strong>{$clientsstats.numactivetickets}</strong> {$LANG.supportticketsopentickets}</h2>
<p><a href="submitticket.php">{$LANG.supportticketssubmitticket}</a></p>
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" class="data">
  {foreach key=num item=ticket from=$tickets}
    <td><div align="left"><img src="images/article.gif" hspace="5" align="middle" alt="" /><a href="viewticket.php?tid={$ticket.tid}&amp;c={$ticket.c}">{if $ticket.unread}<strong>{/if}#{$ticket.tid} - {$ticket.subject}{if $ticket.unread}</strong>{/if}</a></div></td>
    <td width="120">{$ticket.status}</td>
    <td width="80">{$ticket.urgency}</td>
    <td colspan="4" align="center">{$LANG.norecordsfound}</td>
{if in_array('invoices',$contactpermissions)}
<h2><strong>{$clientsstats.numdueinvoices}</strong> {$LANG.invoicesdue}</h2>
<form method="post" action="clientarea.php?action=masspay">
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" class="data">
    {if $masspay}<th width="15"></th>{/if}
  {foreach key=num item=invoice from=$invoices}
    {if $masspay}<td><input type="checkbox" name="invoiceids[]" value="{$}" /></td>{/if}
    <td><a href="viewinvoice.php?id={$}" target="_blank">{$invoice.invoicenum}</a></td>
    <td><a href="viewinvoice.php?id={$}" target="_blank">{$LANG.invoicesview}</a></td>
    <td colspan="{if $masspay}8{else}7{/if}" align="center">{$LANG.norecordsfound}</td>
  {if $invoices}
  <tr style="font-weight:bold;">
    <td colspan="{if $masspay}4{else}3{/if}">{if $masspay}<input type="submit" value="{$LANG.masspayselected}" />{/if}</td>
    <td style="text-align:right;">{$LANG.invoicestotaldue}</td>
    <td colspan="2">{if $masspay}<a href="clientarea.php?action=masspay&all=true">{$LANG.masspayall}</a>{/if}</td>
{if $files}
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" class="data">
  {foreach key=num item=file from=$files}
    <td><img src="images/file.png" hspace="5" align="middle" alt="" /> <a href="dl.php?type=f&id={$}"><strong>{$file.title}</strong></a></td>
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Re: Is there anybody there?

Postby Piotr » 14th September 2012, 1:50 pm


Your clientareahome.tpl is all right. If that so we would need to investigate the problem on our own.
As I mentioned before I opened ticket for you so please log in to our clientarea and provide us with your log in details, so we will verify and fix the problem for you.

Ticket details are: #812789 - DNS Mananger template problem
Piotr Dołęga
ModulesGarden CMO
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Re: Is there anybody there?

Postby carthosts » 14th September 2012, 2:35 pm

Just logged in and added the information you need Piotr.


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Re: Is there anybody there?

Postby Piotr » 17th September 2012, 9:36 am

Thanks, we received it. We will take care about it soon.
Piotr Dołęga
ModulesGarden CMO
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Re: Is there anybody there?

Postby carthosts » 24th September 2012, 11:49 am

Thanks for your help getting this working guys - all is now well and I'm able to try DNS Manager on our site.

The initial problem I logged related to using DNS Manager with the stock WHMCS template and you helped fix that, but as it happens I encountered a further problem when using DNS Manager with the excellent JWHMCS system that integrates Joomla! and WHMCS.

As DNS Manager worked fine with JWHMS disabled but had an odd 'bug' preventing the Add Zone button working when JWHMCS running I approached the JWHMCS developers to see if they had any ideas. DNS Manager now works fine with JWHMCS but you may with to consider the following which the JWHMCS guys passed on:

"... the failure was occurring because the developers of DNS Manager are relying on the jQuery shortcut "$" being available on the WHMCS side. When viewing the site with only WHMCS (no Joomla) this is always true, however when integrating with any Joomla template, Joomla includes the MooTools library which is only accessible via the "$". So, jQuery got loaded fine, but then MooTools comes along and wipes it out, so when your addon was calling up "$" it wasn't reaching jQuery, but instead MooTools which it was obviously not expecting and can't work with.

The fix on it was to change all the Javascript calls in the *.tpl file from $ to jQuery... if you pass this along to the developer, they'll know what to do, and hopefully can resolve future updates by simply using the jQuery call instead of using the shortcut "$"."

Once again thanks for all your help.


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Re: Is there anybody there?

Postby Konrad » 24th September 2012, 2:34 pm

Thank you for pointing out this issue.
Obviously we have missed the compatibility problems with MooTools and the $ sign that is not assigned to jQuery on some installations.

I have added it to the next version TO DO list.
Konrad Keck
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Re: Is there anybody there?

Postby carthosts » 24th September 2012, 3:51 pm

Excellent, thanks Knorad.


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