DNS Manager Link

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DNS Manager Link

Postby ghanley » 20th February 2015, 3:36 am

Where are we supposed to set these variables.

$dns_manager_link & dns_manager_is_active

As per your integration code pasted below - if I add this to my page - nothing appears - as the $dns_manager_link is blank and $dns_manager_is_active is false


{if $dns_manager_is_active == true && $dns_manager_link != ''}
<a href="{$dns_manager_link}">
{if $LANG.clientarea_manage_dns_link}{$LANG.clientarea_manage_dns_link}{else}Manage DNS{/if}
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Joined: 17th February 2015, 3:26 am

Re: DNS Manager Link

Postby Joanna » 23rd February 2015, 9:57 am

It seems like your DNS Manager addon is not active. Please make sure that it has been activated.
Joanna Byjoś
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