DNS Manager - Integration

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DNS Manager - Integration

Postby insertcoin » 4th February 2015, 6:22 pm


I have followed the instructions and added

Code: Select all
if(isset($_GET['managedns'])) {
require_once substr($this->template_dir, 0 , strpos($this->template_dir, '/templates'))."/templates/dns_templates/dns_controller.php";
{if !$dnsmanagement}
to the beginning and

Code: Select all

To the end of clientareahome.tpl

I then added

Code: Select all
{if $dns_manager_is_active == true && $dns_manager_link != ''}
    <a href="{$dns_manager_link}">
    {if $LANG.clientarea_manage_dns_link}{$LANG.clientarea_manage_dns_link}{else}Manage DNS{/if}

Into my clientareadomaindetails.tpl file, but the link never shows.

Within the addon management I have enabled "Manage DNS Link" and the link appears correctly within the client navigation, but I can not get it to work at a domain level.
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Re: DNS Manager - Integration

Postby Joanna » 5th February 2015, 12:12 pm


The link on the domain details page (clientareadomaindetails.tpl) is visible only when the domain exists in DNS Manager module and the status of the order is active.

Please go to 'Processing' tab in DNS Manager addon and check the following:
- if 'With Domains' option is enabled and selected domains are checked,
- if 'Allow To Create Own Zones' is disabled.

If you proceed accordingly, everything should work properly.

However, if your problem persists even though the configuration is correct, please go to 'Zones List' page in DNS Manager addon and select one from active domains. Then, log in to client area and enter the page of previously selected domain (domain details). If the link does not display, it may be a technical issue. In this case, please open a ticket and include all details of the matter. Our Support Team will do their best to find the solution in the shortest time possible.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: DNS Manager - Integration

Postby ghanley » 17th February 2015, 4:06 am

And where do we set this variable??


I assume it needs to be set to $dns_manager_link = "/clientarea.php?managedns"

or something.

Where are the complete instructions to set this up????
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Re: DNS Manager - Integration

Postby Joanna » 17th February 2015, 12:35 pm

Complete instructions are available in 'Integration Code' tab in the module as well as on our Wiki: http://www.docs.modulesgarden.com/DNS_Manager_For_WHMCS#Integration_Codes.
Joanna Byjoś
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ModulesGarden - Unique Approach To Custom Software Development Services & High-End Modules
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