CRM - Send Email use custom addional data

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CRM - Send Email use custom addional data

Postby uteachme » 19th April 2016, 4:47 am

I can see there is no option or way to manually set (type in) a email sent to for existing lead on the CRM Module.

Also would be awesome if there was a way to use custom fields setup on CRM as a possible email to choose from when selecting the send to email.
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Re: CRM - Send Email use custom addional data

Postby Joanna » 19th April 2016, 10:44 am

Your request has been added to the list of features to be implemented in future updates. Thank you!
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: CRM - Send Email use custom addional data

Postby uteachme » 6th May 2016, 5:26 am

Can I also request for future builds the ability to attached a file alone with an email template you select?

Example I have selected an email template that details what needs to be completed on a contract and then attach the unsigned contract to the email for the contact to complete.

Currently this is not possible. :(
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Re: CRM - Send Email use custom addional data

Postby Joanna » 9th May 2016, 3:36 pm

You certainly can! Your request will be taken into account in the process of further module development. :)
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: CRM - Send Email use custom addional data

Postby uteachme » 20th May 2016, 2:33 am

Hi Another suggestion / request to help improve the CRM is my sales team have been naughty and creating followups via the quick actions area on the contact summary page but not making sure that a reminder about the followup is being set.

Is it possible to set a reminder via the quick action area that creates a reminder for the current admin, for the date/time set and use a predefined email template?

It's hard enough to get salesmen to fill out all the details about a lead yet alone make them go to multiple pages to enter the reminder alert, that they can do partly on the summary page.
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