1. No results to display: Connection problem
Reason: Hostname, IP address, username, password, type and/or access hash is/are incorrect.
Solution: Verify provided details and test connection through pressing 'WHM' button.
2. No results to display: User or domain not found
Reason: Account with the specified domain name doesn't exist on the server.
Solution: Make sure that customer's details in your WHMCS system contain specified domain name or create a new account.
3. No results to display: Wrong username value
Reason: Account with the specified username doesn't exist on the server.
Solution: Make sure that customer's details in your WHMCS system contain specified username or create a new account.
4. No results to display: Access denied
Reason: Account already exists on the server but access to the server has been lost due to changed server group, changed server details or block by e.g firewall.
Solution: Make sure that connection to your server is working properly and it's not being blocked. Additionally make sure that your server group is set up correctly.
5. User parameter is invalid or was not supplied
Reason: Account exists on the server but username is incorrect.
Solution: Make sure that customer's account username is same in both your WHMCS system and your WHM.