Auto Installation Wordpress .htaccess whmcs

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Auto Installation Wordpress .htaccess whmcs

Postby souzadavi » 1st November 2012, 1:45 am

'm using cpanel_extended with Softaculous to do automatic instalation.

So when a i get new customer, WHMCS with cpanel_extendend plugin create CPANEL account and then install Wordpress plugin, but for default CPANEL setup the file .htaccess.

Installation cannot proceed because the following files already exist in the target folder : <ul><li>.htaccess</li></ul>Please delete these files or choose another folder.<b>OR</b> <br />Select the checkbox to overwrite all files and continue

There is any work around to fix this??

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Re: Auto Installation Wordpress .htaccess whmcs

Postby Piotr » 2nd November 2012, 12:29 pm

Hi there,

We escalated your problem to our level 2 Tech Support. We will verify that and let you know soon.
Piotr Dołęga
ModulesGarden CMO
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