You asked for feature requests for CRM 2.1 :)

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You asked for feature requests for CRM 2.1 :)

Postby webjive » 29th October 2015, 4:17 pm

Ok, here's a request we've had which has kept us from buying the MG CRM. You need to have some embeddable JS or HTML (with JS) for embedding a contact form (which needs to be style-able via CSS) so that we can do lead capture from our websites.

This is critical for SEO and Funneling. Without it, we might as well use an external CRM.

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Re: You asked for feature requests for CRM 2.1 :)

Postby Joanna » 30th October 2015, 2:34 pm

Thank you for this valuable suggestion! I have already passed it to our Product Development Team and will make sure that it will be taken into account in the process of development.
Joanna Byjoś
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