Two options on "ModulesGarden Widget For WHMCS"

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Two options on "ModulesGarden Widget For WHMCS"

Postby truls1502 » 11th July 2015, 4:59 pm

Let us to have two options to check up the latest versions of ModulesGarden's modules. Let this one be standard which is checking ONLY the activated ModulesGardens's modules. Then the next option which we have to click is to check all the modules including inactive module(s). It would be great for us who need time to build up WHMCS with a lot modules on server.
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Re: Two options on "ModulesGarden Widget For WHMCS"

Postby Joanna » 13th July 2015, 10:32 am

Excellent idea! We will focus on this feature as soon as we ensure that all our modules are compatible with WHMCS V6.0.
Joanna Byjoś
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