Suggestion for all modules

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Suggestion for all modules

Postby ElyHost » 4th December 2012, 7:16 pm

I really feel you would drive more sales by actually having a longer trial period for the plugins as I find 7 days a bit too short :(

I realise the modules are not horrendously expensive but they are also not very cheap to make it into my impulse buy list!
I must admit to grabbing the cpanel_extended module but still not having realy got it to run how i want :( .. although that comes down to my sporadic bursts of reconfiguring servers etc :)

I am interested in some other modules but simply would not activate a trial as I *know* I would not get anywhere in the next few days to squeeze in time to try them thoroughly .. so i simply would not install them .. if the trial was 14 or 28 days they would already be installed and whenever i get a free 5 minutes i would be working on them rather than waiting for an extended free space of time to evaluate fully ;) .. which usually never happens !
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Re: Suggestion for all modules

Postby Piotr » 5th December 2012, 10:00 am

We are aware that some of our customers like you have limited amount of time to test our products and if you face any troubles and require assistance, that only extends the time you need to successfully test our product. Therefore we have solution for this :)

If you would like to extend the trial, there is absolutely no problem with that! All you need to do is create a single ticket and within maximum of 24 hours we will extend your trial for the next 7 days, if necessary for even more. No questions asked, no problems.

So you don't need to worry about it. If you won't have the opportunity to test our product decently, we will give you more time!
Piotr Dołęga
ModulesGarden CMO
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Re: Suggestion for all modules

Postby ElyHost » 7th December 2012, 1:40 pm

Thanks it is good to know .. i have had other suppliers that allowed one extension to a trail if you ask nicely enough :)

I would say that i had read other threads where people were put off downloading due to the short trial period so it may still be a good idea as it is obviously not common knowledge that you can extend the trial a little ;)
I think the whole point of a trial is really to get you to use it enough to be hooked and not look at someone elses products so a longer trial tends to help that happen :mrgreen:
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