Suggestion: But fear of punishment will restrict me

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Suggestion: But fear of punishment will restrict me

Postby wootable » 16th September 2012, 6:15 pm

In the rules of this forum you clearly state there will be punishment if I - or anybode else - does a request of custom development. But how would anybody know what you would classify as a request or a suggestion?

I have an idea for a module that I believe would be pretty popular with a lot of hosts, but in fear of Modules Garden telling me this would be regarded as a request and punish me I'm afraid to make a suggestion.

So what do we do now? :?:
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Re: Suggestion: But fear of punishment will restrict me

Postby Piotr » 17th September 2012, 9:28 am

Hi wootable, solution for this stalemate is quite simple :) Please contact our custom development department so we will be able to discuss your idea. We always appreciate good ideas.

You can share your concept with us here:
Piotr Dołęga
ModulesGarden CMO
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