MultiBrand New Suggestios

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MultiBrand New Suggestios

Postby alaeddine » 13th April 2015, 4:41 pm


you multi brand module was no bad but it has so many thing to must fixed

1 - the most important thing
when a company SEVERAL brand must have the possiblility to add staf for each brand the staf can see only the client associate to his brand and can not have access to other brand
Staf can add client for only his brand
Staf can view only client for his brand
staf can add invoice and devis only for his brand.
staf can view only support for his brand.
and it will be awsone that the staf can viwe only the statistical only for his brand

2 - it is also important to added bank transfer as payment for ech brand
a company in USA which has a brand in Europ must have différent bank transfer payment and staf

3 - as I tell you Multibrand is for compagnie how have multi brand it will be nice to add language changing and Currency changing for ech brand

thank you very much
this is a great module but it will be so nice to add staf option and bank transfer to complete the module
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Re: MultiBrand New Suggestios

Postby Joanna » 14th April 2015, 10:40 am


Thank you for your feedback. Bank transfer option will be introduced in the next update of Multibrand For WHMCS. As for the rest of your suggestions, their implementation cannot be yet determined for technical reasons.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: MultiBrand New Suggestios

Postby JC008 » 6th March 2017, 2:08 pm

Another suggestion..... to give each brand the ability to use the stripe payment gateway, BUT ALSO each brand to have the choice of entering a unique stripe API key. This way each brand can be linked to a unique stripe business profile and so client credit card statements will display brand business name.
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Re: MultiBrand New Suggestios

Postby Joanna » 6th March 2017, 4:45 pm

Thank you for giving us another valuable insight into the module's further growth. The implementation of such a functionality is not a simple task to fulfil but nonetheless your idea has been included into the list of features worth consideration.
Joanna Byjoś
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