how to set the fees be paid by purchaser?

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how to set the fees be paid by purchaser?

Postby sylvially » 7th September 2015, 8:22 am

Hello guys:

I have a small website looking to sell electronic accessories and I want to build a page and offer Epay global payment as the payment method. However, I need the fees to be added to the purchase total.That is to say,I am going to offer manual payments by credit card via Epay but the fees will be paid by the purchaser. I gonna to try paypal at first, but most of my customers come from Non-Paypal accepted countries,so I switched from paypal to epay global payment.Anyone here has experience on how to connect epay to an ecommmerce website? I have tried to find answers on their website , but still have some questions on how to make the fees to be added to the purchase total,I know I can set the price so that it would cover the fee, but some errors occured during the processing. looking for much help!!!
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Re: how to set the fees be paid by purchaser?

Postby Joanna » 9th September 2015, 11:30 am

Check out these two of our modules:
Payment Gateway Charges For WHMCS
Payment Gateway Switcher For WHMCS

The first module will let you charge additional fees for the usage of chosen payment gateway, while the second one will allow you to set different payment gateways per country.

If there is anything more you would like to know, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.
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