Domain Reseller Module

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Domain Reseller Module

Postby » 2nd May 2013, 4:44 am

Hope I'm not breaking the rules by posting this suggestion, as it implies cloning another company's module. If this is forbidden please accept my apologies.

I'd like to suggest an idea for a module for future consideration. A Domain Reseller module, similar to the one offered by at:

I expect to pick up their module in May, but would re-purchase a simular module from Module Gardens if you make one in the future. The reason I am suggesting this is because I'd love to have a module like the one described, that works seamlessly with DNS Manager for WHMCS.

Nuts and Bolts of the module:
"The WHMCS Domain Seller is an automatic Domain Reseller System that allows the "communication" with two or more WHMCS." (Quoted from their site)

It allows you to provide a WHMCS module to other WHMCS owners so they can resell domains from your website. IMO it is ideal for smaller resellers operating in countries where it is difficult to find a mainstream reseller for the local TLD. Obviously it would be of little interest to many WHMCS users, but my company has many African clients, and we plan on expanding our lineup of African TLDs.

Thanks for consideration. If this post violates the rules, please delete it, but consider the idea.
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby Piotr » 2nd May 2013, 5:09 pm

Fortunately the post doesn't violate the rules. However I moved it to Suggestion & Feedback section where such a post should be.
We will consider creating this module as well. Remember, the more posts and questions about any of your module ideas we receive, the greater chance that we will create the module.
Piotr Dołęga
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby cenourinha » 3rd May 2013, 2:23 pm

I would also be interested in this module if you develope it. :)
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby INTIO » 4th May 2013, 4:08 pm

Very nice idea, will be interested also.
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby Konrad » 8th May 2013, 1:16 pm

Big thanks for your feedback.
I have good news for you - we are going to release a new module "Advanced Reseller" module for WHMCS/HostBill that will cover:
- Domain Reselling
- Hosting Accounts Reselling (for specific modules, definitely cPanel/Rackspace/
- API documentation
- 3rd Party module for WHMCS/HostBill that can be provided to your resellers

We are going to release it within 2-3 months as the most important are DNS Manager 2.0/Reseller for WHMCS 1.4 on our list.
If you have any more suggestions, feel free to report it here ;)
Konrad Keck
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby INTIO » 9th May 2013, 9:43 am

Thanks for the information.

Will there be a module for Directadmin also?
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby Konrad » 9th May 2013, 12:17 pm

ricardo777 wrote:Thanks for the information.

Will there be a module for Directadmin also?

Hello Ricardo
In the first release, we do plan to make a "Universal Provisioning Module" that will handle most common modules that use only basic functions (create,terminate,suspend,unsuspend...). This will definitely support the cPanel,DirectAdmin,Plesk modules as this is our primary objective here ;)
Konrad Keck
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby RegDomSa » 9th May 2013, 4:23 pm

Since you mentioned African TLDs this caught my attention.

Perhaps Konrad can shed some light on this. I know these are early stages but if such Domain Reseller system with API can be used with non-mainstream providers like eNom etc. In particular the EPP system it would be great.
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby Konrad » 10th May 2013, 9:56 am

RegDomSa wrote:Since you mentioned African TLDs this caught my attention.

Perhaps Konrad can shed some light on this. I know these are early stages but if such Domain Reseller system with API can be used with non-mainstream providers like eNom etc. In particular the EPP system it would be great.

Generally, it should support all the Domain Modules, as all have the same standards:
    - same parameters
    - same function names
    - same responses

The only problem will be provisioning modules, that for the most specific functionality (except create/terminate) will require integration for the other functions.

Right now its just a plan, but stay tuned as this will be definitely released within next months!
Konrad Keck
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Re: Domain Reseller Module

Postby » 20th May 2013, 6:49 am

Brilliant! HostBill & WHMCS! I'll take one of each! Thanks!

My request:
Can you make sure that the modules work with DNS Manger? I mean if my customer (I am reselling and providing a module) wants to use my DNS, then his/her customer can update the DNS on my customers' site and it is passed to my DNS servers? Or if my customer doesn't want to use my DNS server, he/she can use his/her own (with or without your DNS Manger module). I am planing to offer this for as many African TLDs as possible, and many resellers might not have the funds to run their own DNS servers at first.

Also I would like to add on this rather than open another topic (it is kind-of related).
Could you expand the DNS Manager interface with Rage4? It is very limited compared to what they offer, as far as DNS fields are concerned (they offer geoDNS for example). I suspect I am the first one to request this because the the module does work as described. Also, it doesn't look very good compared to your other modules, and the integration into my site was awkward (I may quite good at integration so I don't think it was my error). I took it our after 3 days because my customers complained. I would go into more details if you like via email or ticket. I didn't open a ticket about this, because it does work just as described, this is just small stuff (more DNS fields and make it prettier).

Either way I am not complaining. If you leave it as is, I will still use it for my under-development site, but if it is updated I will buy another (+the Hostbill version if it is made - I'd like to use Rage4 via Hostbill.)
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