Domain Orders Extended Suggestions

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Domain Orders Extended Suggestions

Postby SoftwareGuru » 17th June 2016, 12:04 am


I have been doing the trial and will purchase Domain Orders Extended as is, but a few critical notes/feature suggestions.

1) In admin area: Need option to be able to "not group" domains and list them alphabetically.
2) Admin area search functionality doesn't seem to work reliably. Seemed to work a bit, but now I just see groups with no results
3) REALLY need bulk option to enable/disable domain addons like Domain Locking, Privacy, DNS Management. I added a bajillion TLD's via your default loader and went through doing pricing, but none of the TLD's created with DOE have these options enabled and the only way I can seem to modify them is by going through and checking these options for every single TLD.


PS: It is impossible to search the forums on "Domain Orders Extended". This is very VERY frustrating.
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Re: Domain Orders Extended Suggestions

Postby Piotr » 22nd June 2016, 3:38 pm

Hi Jerry,

Your feedback has been passed to our Product Development Team.
With reference to the search functionality - it was fixed before the weekend :)
Piotr Dołęga
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