cPanel Extended for WHMCS Suggestion

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cPanel Extended for WHMCS Suggestion

Postby CubicWebs » 19th April 2013, 2:46 am

I would like to see this on the product, if it is possible:

- Ability to remove cPanel button.
- Ability to only allow access to FTP into certain folders per script.

So if we can allow this plugin to work on certain packages like eg: WordPress Hosting.

Then we can limit them so they can only FTP into the files needed on wordpress eg: themes (to upload new themes) and plugins (to upload plugins if needed).

But they can't log into cPanel as there is no need to do so. This would be good to ensure that new people to wordpress don't break it.

For the wordpress username it would be nice to have the option to random generate it like WHMCS does, because we use that feature to secure the customer's account. most hackers would try admin for wordpress or their first 5 digits of their domain to hack into cPanel.

Thank you.
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Re: cPanel Extended for WHMCS Suggestion

Postby Piotr » 19th April 2013, 9:39 am

Really interesting ideas I must admit. We will add these into our features list for the next version of the module. However it will not appear so quickly as we have just released the latest version of cPanel Extended For WHMCS and currently we have many other modules on our release list.

You can always contact our Development Department to speed the things up.
Piotr Dołęga
ModulesGarden CMO
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Re: cPanel Extended for WHMCS Suggestion

Postby CubicWebs » 19th April 2013, 2:15 pm

Thank you, glad you like the ideas, more people can use it then :) without overwriting the current whmcs system.
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