Cpanel Extended Extra Feature

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Cpanel Extended Extra Feature

Postby ElyHost » 22nd November 2012, 8:18 am

Looking at the feature list I am sure it is under consideration anyway .. but what about integration with Fantastico ?

Personally I prefer Softaculous, some companies I deal with do have softaculous and Installatron but some only have Fantastico..

I am also guessing that it is probably more of a pain to work with/integrate or I am sure modulesgarden would have done it already :ugeek:
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Re: Cpanel Extended Extra Feature

Postby Piotr » 22nd November 2012, 11:42 am

We will take that under consideration while preparing next version of the module. When veryfing the pros and cons of creating such a integration at the moment, we can't promise anything.
Piotr Dołęga
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Re: Cpanel Extended Extra Feature

Postby ElyHost » 26th November 2012, 5:49 pm

The only other encouragement I can give in support of adding Fantastico is that from my observations a large chunk of the autoinstaller market is tied up by Fantastico and Softaculous .. I have seen a lot less hosts advertising Installatron as a feature and on the VPS server I have had in the past it was a little too costly to put Installatron compared to the others..
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Re: Cpanel Extended Extra Feature

Postby mrl14 » 9th April 2013, 3:30 pm

Fantastico would be a great addition here for many hosts. I have found though that their scripts aren't updated as often as Softaculous and I've often questioned whether Fantastico is still operating. Nevertheless, this product solves so much confusion by letting the user simply remain inside WHMCS instead of having to work in 2 different systems and remember 2 different logins.
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Re: Cpanel Extended Extra Feature

Postby Konrad » 10th April 2013, 8:29 am

mrl14 wrote:Fantastico would be a great addition here for many hosts. I have found though that their scripts aren't updated as often as Softaculous and I've often questioned whether Fantastico is still operating. Nevertheless, this product solves so much confusion by letting the user simply remain inside WHMCS instead of having to work in 2 different systems and remember 2 different logins.

Additional problem is that Fantastico does not offer API like Softaculous/Installatron so right now we cannot do anything here. We just don't have enough possibilities.
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