Cloudflare Registrar Module Suggestion!

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Cloudflare Registrar Module Suggestion!

Postby webjive » 1st January 2019, 9:14 pm

CloudFlare is about to become a domain registrar. YAY! It would be great to have a CF registrar module ready when they release the product from beta. Look at the pricing on their page as an example of how much we can save but cutting out the middleman for domain reselling.
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Re: Cloudflare Registrar Module Suggestion!

Postby Dominika » 2nd January 2019, 11:42 am

That is a wonderful idea indeed, and we will give this project a deeper thought for sure!

If there are any other members in our community who are also hooked on the prospect of a dedicated Cloudflare Registrar module for WHMCS, do not hesitate to voice you opinion in the comments as well - your feedback will help us greatly in evaluating the feasibility of such a development.

Once there is any breakthrough on the matter, you will be the first to know!
Dominika Kusy
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Re: Cloudflare Registrar Module Suggestion!

Postby webjive » 2nd January 2019, 4:01 pm

Thanks!! I figured even WHMCS could use this break ;)
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