V is for Valentine's Day... and VERY attractive savings!

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V is for Valentine's Day... and VERY attractive savings!

Postby Joanna » 11th February 2023, 3:13 pm

Our Valentine’s Week is going strong!

Yes, an entire week, so you can take a good look at our products and decide which ones will win your heart this time.

Valentines Promotion at ModulesGarden.png
Valentines Promotion at ModulesGarden.png (109.6 KiB) Viewed 479 times

We all know it - it’s better together! The same can be said about our WHMCS modules, and with our wonderfully boosted Bulk Order Discount, it's now more accurate than ever. Just two products in your shopping cart grant you exclusive access to a 10% discount, and the more you order, the higher the savings!

Not sure what to get? Worry not, we have prepared a list of modules that have this special connection with each other, so go ahead and get some well-deserved Valentine's treat before the end of February 15th.

Let's celebrate the festival of love and... discounts!
Joanna Byjoś
ModulesGarden Sales & Marketing Team Leader
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ModulesGarden - Unique Approach To Custom Software Development Services & High-End Modules
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