Unlock the hidden potential of PanelAlpha as a beta tester!

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Unlock the hidden potential of PanelAlpha as a beta tester!

Postby Joanna » 17th May 2023, 2:27 pm

Attention all WordPress enthusiasts and visionaries!

If you had a feeling that another milestone in PanelAlpha's ongoing development journey was just around the corner, your instincts were spot on. Just a few weeks after the last significant platform update, the dedicated team broke some news that will send shockwaves through the WordPress community:

PanelAlpha is now on the hunt for exceptional individuals to join its highly-anticipated closed beta testing phase!

PanelAlpha - Beta Testing Sign-Ups.png
PanelAlpha - Beta Testing Sign-Ups.png (86.7 KiB) Viewed 505 times

Signing up for the beta access to PanelAlpha is as quick as a moment of your time, as all it takes is answering a few simple questions via a brief participation survey.

So, if you aspire to be part of the driving force behind new innovations in the realm of WordPress automation, start by visiting the new PanelAlpha website and explore every nook and cranny that has been meticulously refreshed to stay in step with the ever-evolving revolution led by PanelAlpha.

Join PanelAlpha's VIP beta tester program and make your mark!
Joanna Byjoś
ModulesGarden Sales & Marketing Team Leader
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