PanelAlpha gets equipped with Quick Onboarding Process!

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PanelAlpha gets equipped with Quick Onboarding Process!

Postby Maksymilian » 12th October 2022, 2:58 pm

A WordPress revolution in the making has just taken a significant step forward! We’re elated to share that the latest set of news introduced to PanelAlpha will bring your clients never before experienced simplicity and effortlessness when creating an instance.

Thanks to the brand new Quick Onboarding Process, your customers will be granted the possibility to instantly choose a preferred template and enter the site name via a form. Due to the fact that the site gets immediately created on a test subdomain, they can start working on it in moments! Optionally, another domain can be set later using CNAME.

PanelAlpha Update - Quick Onboarding Process.jpg
PanelAlpha Update - Quick Onboarding Process.jpg (24.92 KiB) Viewed 671 times

We’ll give you another reason to be excited – let us spill the beans about what you can expect before the official release of our standalone platform. Not only will we enrich it with an admin area, we’ll also enable your clients to share instant access to all their instances or just chosen ones!

Don’t forget that PanelAlpha’s live demo can be freely accessed at all times, empowering you to try out the latest development step practically, as well as each previously implemented feature. Your thoughts and suggestions are what we are driven by, so don’t hesitate to share your opinion by clicking “Send Us Your Feedback”!

Test out how Quick the new Onboarding Process really is!
Maksymilian Kulig
ModulesGarden Marketing Specialist
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ModulesGarden - Unique Approach To Custom Software Development Services & High-End Modules
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