PanelAlpha celebrates the first-ever official BETA release!

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PanelAlpha celebrates the first-ever official BETA release!

Postby Joanna » 29th November 2023, 9:09 am

If you have been keeping up with PanelAlpha's exciting growth trajectory, you are most likely well aware that this project is aiming high with its cutting-edge business automation toolkit, tailor-made for providers of WordPress hosting services. Now that the platform has thrown open the doors to its beta functionality, attracting an impressive crowd of over 75 active contributors, we are thrilled to shine a spotlight on the latest set of accomplishments.

PanelAlpha v0.9.3 Beta Update.png
PanelAlpha v0.9.3 Beta Update.png (38.65 KiB) Viewed 433 times

Wrapped in the inaugural official changelog, version 0.9.3 beta comes loaded with enhancements and tweaks to better address diverse preferences and needs that may arise in the management of WordPress websites.

Take a tour beneath the surface of PanelAlpha's latest milestone!

And hey, don't miss your chance to hop on board as a beta member and shape the future of this top-notch control panel. Invest just a few minutes and a one-time fee of $29, and allow us the pleasure of thanking you for your active support with full access to all beta updates. You will also get to enjoy an exclusive three-month free access period once the stable version goes live!
Joanna Byjoś
ModulesGarden Sales & Marketing Team Leader
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