EasyDCIM v1.4.4 - the most gripping release of late is finally upon us!
Toughened up with a massive package of improvements and new additions hiding behind the mysterious term 'Reports', this spectacular update has just soared Admin Experience to new heights.
Embracing over ten novel report types, EasyDCIM v1.4.4 delivers everything you need to perform an exhaustive analysis of various aspects of your data center and make insightful business decisions in effect.
Be sure to also explore some other significant novelties inspired by this dynamic release including the updated Usage Collector Module v1.3.1 and Password Management Module v1.1.
Shoot ahead to the absorbing details of EasyDCIM v1.4.4!
Hyped up on the very thought of all opportunities the realm of reports can provide you with? Head over to the Blog publications centering on this ravishing subject: