Debian 11 "bullseye" takes the lead in EasyDCIM v1.9.0!

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Debian 11 "bullseye" takes the lead in EasyDCIM v1.9.0!

Postby Joanna » 23rd May 2022, 11:00 am

Whether you're an old hand or brand-new to the scene of Linux distributions, Debian more than likely rings a bell. Well, how could it not since it is so often described as one of the single most stable operating systems on the globe?

In this context it is only to be expected for the masterminds at EasyDCIM to place a heavy emphasis on keeping the platform's integration with Debian always at its peak. Their very latest release does not fall short of this ultimate target!

EasyDCIM 1.9.0.png
EasyDCIM 1.9.0.png (196.84 KiB) Viewed 447 times

Together with the premiere of EasyDCIM v1.9.0, Debian 9 gives way to Debian 11 as the base and only supported operating system. If your first thought was that "bullseye" must mean a big step forward for the platform's growth potential, you couldn't be any closer to the truth. Wondering just how big?

The EasyDCIM Blog was updated moments ago with the all-new release note which reveals further specifics on Debian integration, support for Dell rPDU devices, and other highlights that anyone interested in this ultramodern control panel should get familiar with.

Delve much deeper into this action-packed update!
Joanna Byjoś
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