Celebrate New Year with our jolly 15% OFF all modules!

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Celebrate New Year with our jolly 15% OFF all modules!

Postby Anna » 18th December 2024, 9:22 am

Merry Christmas and a prosperous year ahead!

The season of joy, sweet relaxation and exciting gift-giving has been officially launched at ModulesGarden, and we’re thrilled to invite you to take part in the festivities. How, exactly? Well, let us take you by the hand and guide you through the vastness of our marketplace, so you can focus on one thing: spotting opportunities!

Christmas Sale at ModulesGarden.png
Christmas Sale at ModulesGarden.png (100.28 KiB) Viewed 145 times

As we believe Christmas is all about generosity, we couldn’t let the holidays pass without offering you a deal that can brighten up the darkest of winter days. Here it is then: a cheerful 15% discount on all annual licenses, no matter which WHMCS modules of ours you choose to add to your package of business tools.

Want to unwrap this special gift? Use the promo code JingleBells2024 before the end of January 5th and watch your price drop - with no regrets whatsoever.

While slowly getting ready for a brand new year, make sure you’re well aware of how we’ve handled 2024. And may we just say: we’ve made it accomplishment-rich.

Ready to set your purchasing priorities in order? If you’re nodding, that's the spirit!

Enjoy your shopping experience and save 15% on your Christmas wishes!
Anna Bystrzanowska
ModulesGarden Junior Marketing Specialist
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ModulesGarden - Unique Approach To Custom Software Development Services & High-End Modules
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