Bulk actions shake up device management in EasyDCIM v1.8.3!

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Bulk actions shake up device management in EasyDCIM v1.8.3!

Postby Joanna » 18th February 2022, 12:47 pm

Time is in short supply for most people, and data center owners are by no means an exception. Work piles up every day to the point where it’s easy to find oneself lacking hours to accomplish all tasks on the to-do list. Therefore, the need of the hour is to optimize less productive strategies and focus on efficiency, which is exactly what EasyDCIM can help you with, all the more so by virtue of its brand-new 1.8.3 update.

EasyDCIM v1.8.3.jpg
EasyDCIM v1.8.3.jpg (70.14 KiB) Viewed 522 times

Upon the latest improvements made to the platform, handling devices and items will require of you a lot less time and effort thanks to the Mass Add & Import tool, which, as the name suggests, allows creating and importing multiple devices of the same time at once.

Another attractive arrival are interactive graphs fueled by a new Chart.js driver along with as many as 13 new data visualizations like Aggregate Traffic, Network Traffic, Power Usage, and Ping.

Furthermore, Switch Management extension makes a successful comeback with its functionally enhanced 1.4.1 version featuring the option to change the port speed of Arista devices.

Get to know EasyDCIM v1.8.3 in full detail via the latest release note!
Joanna Byjoś
ModulesGarden Sales & Marketing Team Leader
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