In the meantime we have prepared for you extensive information about our module:
Advanced Billing With Hourly Billing For WHMCS allows you to setup additional billing options for your products like hourly billing, bandwidth, storage or number of email accounts based on the usage. Module will also automatically generate the invoices based on the data gathered by the synchronization.
- Hourly Billing!
- cPanel and cPanel Extended Integration: Hours, Bandwidth, Storage, Databases, Addon Domains, Subdomains, Parked Domains, Email Accounts, Installed Applications
- Rackspace Cloud Integration: Hours, Bandwidth In, Bandwidth Out
- Rackspace Email Integration: Hours, Mailbox Storage, Mailboxes, Sync Licenses, Blackberry Licenses, Exchange Storage, Exchange Mailboxes
- Hourly Billing Support For Other Modules e.g. DirectAdmin
- Configuration Per Product
- Current List of The Billable Items For Next Invoices
- Possibility To Generate Invoices Automatically or Manually
- Bill on Terminate Account Option
- Bill Each 1st Day of Month Option
- Logs
Plans For The Next Version:
- Multicurrency
- DNS Manager Integration
- DirectAdmin Integration
- Switches Integration (CISCO/Juniper, HP and more!)