Smartphone app for CRM and other ideas

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Smartphone app for CRM and other ideas

Postby webjive » 15th June 2018, 4:00 pm

Now that the CRM is becoming a big contender in the CRM space and fully integrated into WHMCS, it would be nice to get a limited function smartphone app to go with it.

Cut the features back so that you can fully update the calendar portion. Another option would be to either tie it into Google calendar, or build an iCal sync interface!! This will help us ditch using stand-alone phone calendars....

Some others ideas would be to extend some features to an app like creating a contact or lead so that when you get back to the office, you can use all the features available.

I may be looking at this wrong but, it seems like a limited app or WebApp would help tremendously when we're at a client site wanting to add a lead, etc.

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Re: Smartphone app for CRM and other ideas

Postby Joanna » 19th June 2018, 1:02 pm

It seems like a challenging project to undertake, but definitely one worthy of a close and careful look. After all, 'smartphonization' is now an inherent factor of both our business and personal existence!
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Smartphone app for CRM and other ideas

Postby webjive » 19th June 2018, 2:49 pm

Thanks! This way in meetings we can add a prospect and take notes from our phones/phablet, which it seems like I do more often.
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