small plug whmcs recommended

Share your ideas and requests for modules that we could release.

small plug whmcs recommended

Postby CEFHOST » 11th April 2013, 7:35 pm

The small plug whmcs recommended. :D
the whmcs bill working mechanism in China, especially unpopular.
Do not know how to pay the bill to renew a lot of customers in China.
Many Chinese WHMCS users always want to appear early renewals plug.
He is like a button appear in the list of products. Users can advance renewals. Without the need to submit a ticket to allow the administrator to generate bills.
The second suggestion: :)
Develop another small plug-in.
The user can change the the cpanel account the main domain name.
Rather than by submitting a ticket, allowing administrators to change the the cpanel account the main domain name.
Posts: 5
Joined: 11th April 2013, 7:27 pm

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