Requesting A Bulletin Board Module

Share your ideas and requests for modules that we could release.

Requesting A Bulletin Board Module

Postby Xarcell » 18th October 2012, 2:26 pm

Currently, there is only one bulletin board module and that is WHMCBB. It doesn't seem to be supported by it's authors. I'm unsure why.

Any chance that we can get a lightweight bulletin board module made by guys that know what they are doing? You guys make great products and a Bulletin Board would make a product to your collection.

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Re: Requesting A Bulletin Board Module

Postby Piotr » 18th October 2012, 3:17 pm

I must admit that this idea is quite interesting. Please open a ticket with development request so we can possibly discuss the details.
Piotr Dołęga
ModulesGarden CMO
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Re: Requesting A Bulletin Board Module

Postby Xarcell » 18th October 2012, 4:41 pm

I sent a message to the development department. Feel free to remove this topic. Thanks.
Posts: 16
Joined: 18th October 2012, 2:08 pm

Re: Requesting A Bulletin Board Module

Postby layz » 14th November 2012, 2:09 am

i DEFINATELY support this idéa!! i am a former client of WHMCSBB, and the product, as i remember it, was close to great, but it was too un-intuitive, so i decided to dismiss it. I have no idéa if they had alot of clients, but my guess is that there is a lot of potential in such a module.

I for one, think a forum on a site is a must, and i am definately looking for the right solution.
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