Reporting of account discrepancies between WHM and WHMCS

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Reporting of account discrepancies between WHM and WHMCS

Postby itomic » 25th July 2014, 2:09 am

I'm fairly sure that if I migrate a hosting account from one of my servers to another server using WHM, then WHMCS doesn't know I've done this. Likewise if I up/downgrade a hosting account directly using WHM instead of WHMCS, then again WHMCS is none the wiser.

I would like a module that reports on any obvious discrepancies between hosting account information that is stored in WHMCS, and hosting account information that is actually/currently stored on our hosting servers.

The main discrepancies between WHM and WHMCS I'd like to see reported are:

1. Different hosting packages
2. Different servers
3. Any hosting accounts that are recorded in WHMCS but can't be found on a WHM server - and (most importantly) vice versa.

Such a report could run on a daily cron job, for example.

Thanks for your consideration.
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Joined: 14th May 2014, 9:11 am

Re: Reporting of account discrepancies between WHM and WHMCS

Postby Piotr » 25th July 2014, 2:09 pm

Thank you for detailed description of the module. We will add this to our To-Consider list for the future releases.
We have in our offer a similar solution, different from the one your described above, but still it can solve some of problems that you are struggling with.

Advanced Synchronization For WHMCS module will allow you to import/export/synchronize accounts and clients between e.g. cPanel/WHM and WHMCS. This may help you.
Piotr Dołęga
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Re: Reporting of account discrepancies between WHM and WHMCS

Postby itomic » 28th July 2014, 4:56 am

Thanks for making us aware of this module. It certainly looks interesting. We might well check it out.
Posts: 12
Joined: 14th May 2014, 9:11 am

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