Custom Order Form Builder

Share your ideas and requests for modules that we could release.

Custom Order Form Builder

Postby leckley » 12th August 2013, 8:49 pm

Hi Guys,

It would be most awesome if you would look into the possibility of building a custom order form that actually is able to be easily customized via the admin area of whmcs.

What would this include?

-Ability to add multiple products to a single order form. Think of when you go to purchase a dedicated servers from someone like SoftLayer and you can completely customize your server and choose many addons. This is not currently possible with WHMCS as we can only have ONE server/provisioning module tied to a package in WHMCS, however most of would need 2-3 modules to pull of a normal dedicated server order (IE. Provision the server, license cPanel, server management, etc.).

The order form would basically add say 3-5 new packages to WHMCS allowing each to run their own automation and deployment scenario and not depend on manual intervention the whole way.

-Info Marks - Basically allow us to display a "?" next to any drop down, custom field etc. and when the clients mouse over or click the "?" it would display the data we filled in for it. Such as details on the management packages or a link to the knowledgebase.

-Easily mix & match services for a custom bundle of services. Such as a cloud server + domain + DNS hosting + etc. and depending on the domain they choose or what not the package may throw in the domain for $0.99 - just an example. The WHMCS bundle system is very limited and pretty much sucks, replacing it would be awesome.

-Addon Suggestions - "Other clients who purchased web hosting also purchased XXXX" and allow the client to easily add it to their order during the checkout process. This could be both manually controlled and possibly pull data from whmcs to see what all services clients have.


In short the custom order form would not so much manipulate WHMCS as much as allowing us to easily add multiple products to a single order form even if they are "configurable options" or entirely different services that goes well with the service the client is purchasing.
Posts: 7
Joined: 12th August 2013, 8:27 pm

Re: Custom Order Form Builder

Postby trung » 9th October 2013, 4:51 am

Great idea for this suggestion.
Posts: 14
Joined: 9th October 2013, 12:04 am

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