Auto-detect CMS type of hosting accounts

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Auto-detect CMS type of hosting accounts

Postby itomic » 23rd July 2014, 3:05 am

If would be very useful intelligence if it were possible to auto-detect and report on the CMS being used on any given hosting account - e.g. Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.

I imagine that there are certain well documented methods for identifying that CMS (and what version of that CMS) are being used on a site - even though in acknowledge that in some cases, some sites will actively attempt to mask this information.

Such a module might include:

1. Standard methods for identifying well-known CMS
2. The option for the WHMCS module administrator to add regular expressions or other detection rules in an attempt to identify other (less common) CMS - or to try different ways to identify the popular CMS if the standard methods aren't working.

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Joined: 14th May 2014, 9:11 am

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